07-04-2008, 09:29 PM
Just a note to those comming over or those living here who have decided to take the bull by the horns and actually try to produce a sizable portion of their own food requirements. Initially, when I began this permaculture fifteen years ago I made the decision that I would plant eighty per cent food plants and twenty ornamental. That turned out to be a mistake and if I had it to to over again I would work from the ratio of ninty-five per cent food plants and five per cent ornamental. Why? Because twenty per cent of what's here isn't edible and that's a lot. As a example,instead of a pua kinikini, which has turned out to be rather large, I could have had another large citrus in it's place and got the flowers from a neighbor up the street. As the cost of food items moves up we're going to start to recognize more how valuable land on this island really is.