07-08-2008, 04:13 PM
I spoke extensively with Nani on this issue a few months ago - I was told that the diameter of the ohia pole must fit the size lumber needed so if a 4x4 was required - the 4x4 must fit in the diameter all the way. If the pole is twisted or has a lot of wain, then a larger pole would be needed.
Hooligal is right about the bolts. The ohia needs to be attached but since typical simpson hardware doesnt always lend itself to the ohia pole - you need to work with your architect on the design of the pole foundation hardware.
The "F" strength of ohia is much greater than doug fir but yes COH Bldg dept has no tables on it, or didnt as of a few months ago.
Hooligal is right about the bolts. The ohia needs to be attached but since typical simpson hardware doesnt always lend itself to the ohia pole - you need to work with your architect on the design of the pole foundation hardware.
The "F" strength of ohia is much greater than doug fir but yes COH Bldg dept has no tables on it, or didnt as of a few months ago.