07-21-2008, 12:01 PM
quote:I got an answer to this and it appears there is validity to this. I was told that fuel grade ethanol isn’t causing any problems, all marine engines and fuel delivery systems can handle up to 15% with no problem. But, it seems ethanol is a good water absorber, so in a marine environment, you have a greater chance that the water concentration will rise thus causing the problems. I was also told that the normal fuel/water separation process isn't that good outside the refining/mixing location as it's not the same as separating water from normal petroleum fuel. Probably Hawaii doesn’t refine multiple grades of gasoline, one specific for marine use without ethanol, as you’ll find other places.
Originally posted by gtill
Bob, a flier came out in Marine circles, that ethanol was creating havoc on some boats, especially outboards. They named 4 stations on Oahu who carry it, and some on neighbor islands.