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Crate training and other pet travel advice

We started 6 months ahead of time. We put the crate in the living room with Bear's (the dog) bed in it. We did not try to coax him in, but threw treats and toys in at first. This soon became his spot to hang out. The crate became sort of a security place for him.

We have spent 4-5 months per winter on BI for the last 3 years and Bear has flown back and forth with us. It was much better when we could fly direct into Kona, rather than doing the Honolulu stop over.

Bear does not like flying. We could hear him barking from the cargo area. That sucks. We first tried giving him Benadryl, then 3 Benadryl, then a mild sleeping pill. None of that has worked to relieve his stress to stop the barking during flight.

I discussed the problem with the vet and she is going to give me some "Ace" to give him next trip. It is injected under the skin. We will see.

As soon as Bear is out of the cage he will bark for awhile and then he is back to himself in an hour or so.

Good luck, Dan

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RE: Crate training and other pet travel advice - by DanielP - 08-02-2008, 04:21 AM

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