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Crate training and other pet travel advice
My solution would be to find a caring foster home on the mainland for your dog, one with a big fenced yard. Then help your dog get settled in and acclimated to it's new extended family by visiting it regularly for a while before you move. Do this with a goal of helping your dog to be happy with its new family.

I know the concept of "giving your dog away" is a tough one to grasp, butindsight being 20/20, I would have never flown my cat here. I feel strongly that putting her in the travel carrier and sending her on a long, stressful flight was a big part of the reason that she's not with us anymore.

Just my opinionated "pet travel practical advice".

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RE: Crate training and other pet travel advice - by mattastic78 - 08-02-2008, 06:51 AM

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