08-06-2008, 10:47 AM
Originally posted by dlnragent
Originally posted by Kapohocat
I have stayed out of this because knee jerk reactions never work out well... (the same case happened when glass went to plastic bottles and now look at the mess we have)...
So what if we didnt ban plastic bags but instead charged a "fee" like bottles? Say 5 cents a bag for plastic and 3 cents for paper. Then if you bring your own shopping bags (hemp, cotton whatever) to use - you dont get charged, or you save 5 cents or 10 cents on your grocery bill.
The fee is used to work on a solution to this quandry (paper versus plastic) until we come up with a realistic solution.
Sack N Save in Hilo already gives a discount of 3 or 5 cents, I forget which, when you bring your own bag.
so does Island Naturals in Hilo... I forget how much... 5 cents maybe?