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As the earth COOLS, the tropics is the place to be
Over 3000 thermal sensing bouys placed in all the oceans indicate that the oceanic temps are dropping. Last winter had record cold temps all over the world. The 11 year Sun spot cycle which ushers in global warming is late or on hiatus, hence, we may expect cooler temps.

there is only one thing that causes global warming and that is the Sun and that is proveable scientifically.

however, man made global warming can not be proven scientically. It is not replicatable, but only conceivable by computer modelling. you know the old saying: Garbage In Garbage Out.

CO2 is not a toxic gas it is a requred component of the life cycle. It only makes up about 1/3 of 1% of the entire atmosphere oxygen is about 20% and nitrogen is about 75 % and a few other gasses make up the rest of the 5% that`s left.

In conclusion 31000 U.S. scientists signed a petition declaring that this whole notion of manmade gobal warming is a hoax. Nd if it is true why don`t China Russia and India sign onto Kyoto. There`s a lot of holes in this theory and it is only a theory.

you would do yourself a huge service by researching this issue thoroughly, before jumping on this crickety band wagon.

By the way should follow the money trail. Most of your big time global warming proponents have large monetary stakes in popitiating this farce including Al Gore.

You end up being their lackey.

In the end it will be revealed how great a hoax this been and all affiliated with it will suffer a great humiliation.

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RE: As the earth COOLS, the tropics is the place to be - by radioguy - 08-11-2008, 02:44 AM

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