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Endangered Hawaiian Hawk may be De-Listed

When you say you don't believe in "government intervention" you are saying that you do not believe in the right of we, the people, to agree to take action for the common benefit. Without government (i.e., us), the Soviet Union would have landed on the moon before us, the Bald Eagle would have gone the way of the buffalo, and you would be sucking up DDT with your tomatoes.

Dick: True conservatives want to conserve the environment as well. That's why when we were kids, they called it "conservation" and not "environmental activism". Some of my best friends are Republicans. But the party has been taken over by corporations that have no allegiance to this country. They prey on people's emotions (look out, gay people marrying!), so they can lower wages, destroy unions (the only power employees have), and suck resources from a country until it is dry. Then they move one. These forces are unamerican.

Hawaii is small enough where we can actually see the immediate results of our actions --and inaction. Love you all! Ciao!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Endangered Hawaiian Hawk may be De-Listed - by Kelena - 08-12-2008, 11:31 AM
RE: Endangered Hawaiian Hawk may be De-Listed - by Guest - 01-18-2009, 04:25 AM

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