03-09-2010, 02:22 AM
There has been some curiosity expressed about the origin of the new diagonal stripes placed on the curves of Leilani Ave. It turns out to be a good example of the local residents working with the County Administration.
Early in 2009 a Leilani resident discussed the hazardous curves with Councilwoman Emily Neaoli , and she decided it was a serious problem that needed attention. She called a meeting between residents and County staff. In mid 2009 Emily met in Leilani Estates with about 30 residents and staff from the Department of Public Works and moderated the meeting to work out a solution. I understand that there were a lot of suggestions and discussion. DPW went back with a promise to address this hazardous condition as funds allowed and workload would permit. Not many months later, DPW had Leilani Ave re-striped and added the diagonal hatchings along the covers to make them more visible. A unique, great, and practical solution.
After a few months I think all will agree that these marks are a great addition to the street markings and brings to the attention of drivers that there are curves ahead.
A good example of residents and County Staff working together to solve local problems.