09-05-2008, 02:25 PM
Originally posted by StillHope
Troy's silence pretty much answers the question about the truth in this case.
Originally posted by hikatz
....Trust me if your name gets posted negatively on punaweb, just remember what has happened to Troy...
Originally posted by Dave M
This is an open forum anyone such as yourself and shauna can come out and defend him. If he does good work in a small community then he should surely have somme good references. I thought about your statement: "Trust me if your name gets posted negatively on punaweb, just remember what has happened to Troy." I thought about what I would do given Troys bad rap here on PW. What I would do is make it right....
Geez people... Maybe he hasn't signed on to Punaweb since he last posted that.
I had my name smeared by an anonymous person here on Punaweb trying to convince Oahu Realtors that I was a bad tenant despite this person had never met me in my life nor realized how long of a tenant I had lived in my place! And I warned my readers of my blog about this anonymous person here.
Maybe Troy is doing his own blog somewhere about his experiences with local clients? Maybe Troy Knows a lot of people here in Puna and He thinks that Punaweb is just a small proportion of people that live here. Maybe, Troy doesn't give a rip?
But a lot of people are sure jumping on the buggah.
And I'm doing business with Rabi too... Well at least I fantasize about it.... But the trade he tried to make me in our Fantasy Football league draft makes me question his scheming motivation for me to trade a much better player to him for a worst player.... is he suckering me in.... I guess I'll find out soon enough [:o)] [
