09-11-2008, 12:33 PM
Originally posted by Hotzcatz
After the County pays to get these workers trained, who then hires the workers and why should the County pay to figure out how to train workers for private enterprises
Good question. This is just a subsidized job-training program with a “green” label, nothing more. And, nobody has the slightest idea what the heck this “green” and “sustainable” label means. If a sugar cane worker is hired by a sugar as food company, who pays for that person’s training, The company or the government? But, if that sugar cane is no longer food but being grown for bio-fuel, does the “bio” designation suddenly mean someone can open a training class for sugar cane workers and get federal money? Why not every flooring company work to get paid training for their employees. No more OJT or prior skills, get Uncle Sam to foot the bill. Just say you can’t find skilled “Green & sustainable” Bamboo floor installers.
quote:Yes, the federal government is writing the check, but it’s OUR money paying the tab.
Originally posted by Hotzcatz
I suppose the Federal Government is the one providing most of the funding to train these folks, though, huh?
Originally posted by Hotzcatz
Generally it seems by the time the political machine has become involved it is no longer a "for the people" sort of thing but a special interest group driving the changes.
Think about all the special interest groups that can twist this into their personal gain. Let’s have a Foreign Oil Independence Job Act of 2008. Big oil can set up shell training groups to get federal tax dollars to train their workers. Remember it’s foreign oil independence, not big oil getting more subsides.
Oh, let’s also have the Affordable Housing Job Act of 2009. Developers get federal tax money to set up a training school to teach people to build houses in large-scale tract developments. Who can say no to affordable housing?
Ah, and we have the International/Hawaii Marine Ecology Job Act of 2010. That’s right tour companies get federally subsidized language training to teach people how to show foreign tourist turtles on the beach. And don’t dare say this is wrong, it’s an international marine environmental initiative.
Oh and if anyone is interested, I’ve applied for a green training grant. Because of the vast shortage of experience green and sustainable transport packagers, there is no way Hawaii can meet this potential exploding field. There is an emergency need to train people in the proper identification of commodities to green packaging. The proper placement of mixed use items. The exemptions to hydrogen-oxygen saturated items under the recent initiative. The OSHA safety protocol of green and sustainable packaging. And the need for retraining in packing the metal transport vessels. The government will pay me $5,000 per person to be trained and certified. The training course will include such items as : How to stop saying “paper or plastic” , How to avoid paper cuts when opening the bags. Why wet, leaky meats need to be wrapped in something else. Plus as a bonus, how to place bags in shopping cart to maximize space.
So many people complain about government abuse, but geez, they open yourselves up to being abused by government.