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HPPOA President and Vice President on Website
The President and Vice President of HPPOA are posting responses to Membership Meeting Owner Input on the HPPOA website. Unfortunately, that website does not have an open forum for owners to state their viewpoints.

To read what Bob and Dale have to say go to the following link:

They seem to be providing answers, but for this HPPOA member, they have only raised more questions. Here are a couple:

Question: If there are only 8 SEE employees, why were there 58 adults at the Christmas party? I count 14 employees including the SEE employees and 9 board members. That's 23, add their spouses, that's 46.
Question: Were all the attendees, SEE employees and their immediate family?

If you have a viewpoint you'd like to express, or like me, have more questions to be answered - go to the board meeting Wednesday, March 17, 2010, 6 p.m.

I understand that last month the board discussed using bond money, which was intended to pave roads, to pay for installing speed humps on paved roads. I'm guessing this will be a topic of discussion in March...perhaps they may even vote on this. Some questions that need to be answered on this topic:

Question: Will the board follow the policy they set and obtain the required agreements from lot owners on the roads they propose to install speed bumps on?

Question: How does the board justify using bond money to pay for speed bumps when there are still unpaved roads in HPP?

Question: How will the board select the contractor to install the speed bumps?

Question: If at the end of the fiscal year, we see a $350,000 savings as stated by Dale, why would that money not be used for speed humps vs. bond money. Thank God for the "bean counters" they discover errors and help business concerns to keep financially on track.

So many questions. Will they be answered?

Go to the board meeting Wednesday, March 17, 2010, 6 p.m.


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HPPOA President and Vice President on Website - by JoAnne Backman - 03-12-2010, 06:31 PM

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