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Dogs and Stinging nettle caterpillars
Hi Yurt girl,

Poor poochie - sounds more to me like ringworm - a fungus that itches like the devil and can spread to people - that or else fur mites. Here's a way to tell if it's ringworm or other fungus. If you put a black light up to it in the dark the fungus will glow noticeably - kinda cool.

If that's the case you can try iodine - some say tea tree but I dunno - or the old standby, burnt motor oil. That's right, some grimey black from the last oil change will do it. Just keep the affected skin coated as best you can for a few days until it looks better. Hopefully the new environment will solve most of the problem.

I've never heard of dogs getting stung by the nettle caterpillar before. I would think the spines wouldn't make it past the fur right away - but I guess it's possible.
Uluhe Design
Native Landscape Design

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RE: Dogs and Stinging nettle caterpillars - by Mitzi M - 10-06-2008, 07:02 AM

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