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Dogs and Stinging nettle caterpillars
I too doubt if your dog was stung by caterpillars. True, the nettles most likely would not penetrate the fur. I have been stung numerous times and a little baking soda mixed with apple cider (or other) vinegar and mixed to a pasty consistency works like a charm. I would not use toxic motor oil on your dog if he/she does in fact have ringworm. Better to use a little Noni and Neem powder in your dogs food for about a week or two while applying Tea tree oil topically to any infected area. Careful though, if it is ringworm it is highly transferable to humans, so protect yourself when you are in contact with your doggy. Aloha

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RE: Dogs and Stinging nettle caterpillars - by rasman - 10-07-2008, 02:12 PM

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