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Willie K headlines Dem's Nov. 3 Grand Rally
The Hawaii County Democratic Party helps promote the candidacies of ALL Democratic candidates in good standing as party members. Both Emily Naeole and Gary Safarik are Democrats in good standing with their party as are Tony Marzi, Steve Sparks. Both Billy Kenoi and Angel Pilago are Democrats in good standing with the party as are Lorraine Inouye, Stacey Higa, and Jasper Moore (altho' I learned too late to include him in the Primary Grand Rally. My apologies, Jasper. I kept deleting the party listing for MICHAEL Moore, thinking it was a mistaken listing ). Any candidate who signs a Democratic Party card prior to the candidacy filing deadline is included in the Dem's activities both before and after the election.

The elections for mayor, county prosecutor, council seats, Board of Education, and OHA are all non-partisan races but that doesn't mean the candidates themselves cannot be members of a particular political party. Bob Jacobson is a Green, Guy Enriques CLAIMED to be a Democrat but the Democratic Party does not have him signed up as a Dem. Kelly Greenwell was very briefly state chair of the Green Party but was a Democrat before that and is now a card-carrying Democrat while Debbie Hecht is a Green. Some Democratic Party candidates seem philosophically more aligned with Republicans but remember, the Dems are the Rainbow Coalition and viewpoints and politics can be 180 degrees apart, which would make them polar opposites.

And since I am a Democratic Party officer and organizer, I work to support all Democratic candidates equally. However, I do get my say in the voting booth! Aloha, Frankie

Messages In This Thread
RE: Willie K headlines Dem's Nov. 3 Grand Rally - by frankiestapleton - 10-19-2008, 05:39 AM
RE: Willie K headlines Dem's Nov. 3 Grand Rally - by Guest - 10-20-2008, 06:12 AM
RE: Willie K headlines Dem's Nov. 3 Grand Rally - by Guest - 10-28-2008, 06:20 AM

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