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Fruit Picking Etiquette - What is OK & what isn't
Many of our neighbors do not pick all of the fruit on their trees ... and many of them are retired & elderly & just not able to pick. We have worked with some of them to pick their fruit, allow them first pick of all... any they do no want goes to the food basket or one of the senior centers that we drop produce at... every homeowner that has a tree that is not picked has been very receptive to this..... & it helps keep down all of the pests, fruit flies, citrus rats (my least favorite...) & various buggies...

The oddest thing is that we did have a basket of excess oranges from this tree in our driveway, for anyone to partake.... but that was a hundred feet down from the tree....


Messages In This Thread
RE: Fruit Picking Etiquette - What is OK & what isn't - by Carey - 11-14-2008, 05:21 PM
RE: Fruit Picking Etiquette - What is OK & what isn't - by missydog1 - 11-16-2008, 10:44 AM

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