11-19-2008, 09:11 AM
quote:Maryland has a Community Crime Prevention Grant Program for things like this.
Originally posted by Greg
I think a sting operation would be a great way to catch some of these creeps and make others think twice. It would be easy to set up and document with video cameras.
Since the police are understaffed, maybe there are grants available to do this in the private sector.
Hell, maybe it could be a TV show like "Dog the Bountyhunter".
Please, no mullets.
Maybe some Federal Money will flow into Hawaii from congress for community policing now that Hawaii is on the map with Obama.
It wouldn't be hard to do really. However, it may be timely.
What if the "Sting" never panders out and you've wasted time and resources while other neighborhoods are getting hit up at the same time?
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