11-25-2008, 10:37 AM
"Angry white men" Thats what we call you baby boomer's, YOUR generation has ruined the world, We'll be in trouble until you realize that or die off. Thanks grandpa, grandma, Mom, and POP for the world you left us. Great place!
How bout you retire already so the young guy can get a job enough to support his family so he doesn't HAVE to commit crimes to survive.
Figure its the least you can do after the mess you left. What? You lost all your money??? can't retire? To bad! suffer for awhile. Learn to live what you preach, walk in our shoes for awhile, tough ain't it?
Is there anybody out there that thinks the next generation is gonna get social security? What about a pension is there such a thing anymore?
What about real estate think we can retire on that?
You old farts better be glad you got what you got and quit being so damm greedy! Obama will take care of you old dudes your lucky.
Save the economy RETIRE!
IMHO anela111 is more correct than not, though it certainly seems as if there is more than enough anger to go around -and in fairness, any and every generation inherits a huge mess from those couple generations going immediately before, muddling through as best they may while making all sorts of blunders and errors along the way (the Boomers perhaps no more so or less so than other generations, though the stakes are indeed now significantly larger because of the permanent and global nature of some issues involved).
Certainly, I am striving to do my part in heeding anela111's excellent admonition to help the situation by retiring ASAP and so make room for eager new workers to follow in pulling at my old harness! The sooner, the better, I agree, and not entirely in jest: young minds and fresh perspectives are critical for success in meeting the challenges we all face together.
As I read the increasingly harsh insults and cutting invective being flung back and forth a question comes to my mind: "What is the payoff?" Indeed, why bother with spending one's precious time that way? The reality we end up having is the one we sink the most attention, energy, consciousness and work into creating within and around ourselves, so what is the payoff in focusing on divisiveness and angry insult? Nothing good, imho.
Certainly we can all acknowledge imperfection in results to date (especially this Alaskan-gratefully-becoming-a-Hawaiian), yet is not the payoff far better to seek common ground and civilly discuss constructive solutions rather than acting like a tree full of monkeys flinging pooh at each other? There is maybe some small entertainment value in all the hooting, chest-beating, and pooh-flinging yet what lasting benefit comes to our children and grandchildren from energy, time, and conscious attention wasted so profligately in this way?
My experience of the good community in Puna is we can raise ourselves up to a higher standard of conduct and communication with one another. We can do better, and in so doing perhaps make less a mess of things such that someday the currently-youthful generation's children (our grandchildren or great-grandchildren) will not think as harshly of us all. The lessons of Easter Island and ever so many other places suggest how we spend our time and manage our resources really does matter. We can do better.
Happy Thanksgiving, all!
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"Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence."
Pres. John Adams, Scholar and Statesman
"There's a scientific reason to be concerned and there's a scientific reason to push for action. But there's no scientific reason to despair."
NASA climate analyst Gavin Schmidt
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How bout you retire already so the young guy can get a job enough to support his family so he doesn't HAVE to commit crimes to survive.
Figure its the least you can do after the mess you left. What? You lost all your money??? can't retire? To bad! suffer for awhile. Learn to live what you preach, walk in our shoes for awhile, tough ain't it?
Is there anybody out there that thinks the next generation is gonna get social security? What about a pension is there such a thing anymore?
What about real estate think we can retire on that?
You old farts better be glad you got what you got and quit being so damm greedy! Obama will take care of you old dudes your lucky.
Save the economy RETIRE!
IMHO anela111 is more correct than not, though it certainly seems as if there is more than enough anger to go around -and in fairness, any and every generation inherits a huge mess from those couple generations going immediately before, muddling through as best they may while making all sorts of blunders and errors along the way (the Boomers perhaps no more so or less so than other generations, though the stakes are indeed now significantly larger because of the permanent and global nature of some issues involved).
Certainly, I am striving to do my part in heeding anela111's excellent admonition to help the situation by retiring ASAP and so make room for eager new workers to follow in pulling at my old harness! The sooner, the better, I agree, and not entirely in jest: young minds and fresh perspectives are critical for success in meeting the challenges we all face together.
As I read the increasingly harsh insults and cutting invective being flung back and forth a question comes to my mind: "What is the payoff?" Indeed, why bother with spending one's precious time that way? The reality we end up having is the one we sink the most attention, energy, consciousness and work into creating within and around ourselves, so what is the payoff in focusing on divisiveness and angry insult? Nothing good, imho.
Certainly we can all acknowledge imperfection in results to date (especially this Alaskan-gratefully-becoming-a-Hawaiian), yet is not the payoff far better to seek common ground and civilly discuss constructive solutions rather than acting like a tree full of monkeys flinging pooh at each other? There is maybe some small entertainment value in all the hooting, chest-beating, and pooh-flinging yet what lasting benefit comes to our children and grandchildren from energy, time, and conscious attention wasted so profligately in this way?
My experience of the good community in Puna is we can raise ourselves up to a higher standard of conduct and communication with one another. We can do better, and in so doing perhaps make less a mess of things such that someday the currently-youthful generation's children (our grandchildren or great-grandchildren) will not think as harshly of us all. The lessons of Easter Island and ever so many other places suggest how we spend our time and manage our resources really does matter. We can do better.
Happy Thanksgiving, all!
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"Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence."
Pres. John Adams, Scholar and Statesman
"There's a scientific reason to be concerned and there's a scientific reason to push for action. But there's no scientific reason to despair."
NASA climate analyst Gavin Schmidt
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Astonishing skill! This archer is a real-life Legolas and then some!
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Astonishing skill! This archer is a real-life Legolas and then some!
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