11-25-2008, 11:05 AM
"As I read the increasingly harsh insults and cutting invective being flung back and forth a question comes to my mind: "What is the payoff?" Indeed, why bother with spending one's precious time that way? The reality we end up having is the one we sink the most attention, energy, consciousness and work into creating within and around ourselves, so what is the payoff in focusing on divisiveness and angry insult? Nothing good, imho.
Certainly we can all acknowledge imperfection in results to date (especially this Alaskan-gratefully-becoming-a-Hawaiian), yet is not the payoff far better to seek common ground and civilly discuss constructive solutions rather than acting like a tree full of monkeys flinging pooh at each other? There is maybe some small entertainment value in all the hooting, chest-beating, and pooh-flinging yet what lasting benefit comes to our children and grandchildren from energy, time, and conscious attention wasted so profligately in this way?"
Well stated, Alaska Steven. The more civility, respect--and yes, honesty--that we show each other, the moreproductive constructively (thanks Fitz, that's the word I should've used) we can work together. Look forward to having you as a neighbor :-)
Certainly we can all acknowledge imperfection in results to date (especially this Alaskan-gratefully-becoming-a-Hawaiian), yet is not the payoff far better to seek common ground and civilly discuss constructive solutions rather than acting like a tree full of monkeys flinging pooh at each other? There is maybe some small entertainment value in all the hooting, chest-beating, and pooh-flinging yet what lasting benefit comes to our children and grandchildren from energy, time, and conscious attention wasted so profligately in this way?"
Well stated, Alaska Steven. The more civility, respect--and yes, honesty--that we show each other, the more
A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius