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Sustainability and self sufficiency have meaning
I won't have anything but money to trade when we arrive, but I think that this concept is terrific. Keeping it simple is a great idea. Freecycle Big Island already has some great deals on excess fruit etc. Another great idea is posting where good wild things are growing... There is so much growing all over the island. Jan Moon's book is great at letting us know what is out there, but if we could share locations that would be even better. We could go on expeditions together to harvest wild things like Liliko'i or wild papayas. And if people who have fruit trees on their property that do not want the fruit... share! It is healthier for the trees to be picked clean, as well as the fields.

Aloha au i Hawai`i,

Devany Vickery-Davidson
East Bay Potters

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RE: Sustainability and self sufficiency have meaning - by Devany - 11-26-2008, 09:16 AM

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