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Ferrocement house sighting and report
The house Kapohocat is referring to is on Puni Mauka North (at the makai end), very close to Kahakai Blvd. It appears to be stucco over cinderblock. The roof is pleasantly curved with no seams or corrugation so its probably ferrocement. A guy building ferrocement houses in Mexico ( and guarantees ferrocement roof lifetimes of around 400 years. So it seems worth considering ferrocement roofing vs. replacing the tin roof every 20 years. It seems like a ferrocement roof would be easier to tie into cinder block walls than trying to tie it to wooden walls. I'm guessing stronger support would be required for a ferro roof which might tend to favor cinderblock vs. wood. Has anyone priced cinderblock construction vs. wood?

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RE: Ferrocement house sighting and report - by Charles Moore - 11-27-2008, 10:16 AM

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