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Giant Plants: How to make them go away?
So I go to my place for the first time in 19 months and the plants along the border have gotten enormous. There is a palm that four men could hold hands around (gotta put that on my to-do list for next time --- please e-mail with requests to be included in that group). There are other palms that looked so cute when they are young, but now are vying for attention like a teenager with a pierced eyebrow.Also some sort of agave plant that is 15 feet high. Sculpturally, it is quite impressive. This would look beautiful at, say, the entrance to a resort on the side of the island that looks like a blackened Baja California. But it is out of scale for what I want.

In short, some of these plants are beautiful, but, you know....just too big or in the wrong place for me (others would think they are neat). Must I kill these things and have them hauled off to their death, or is there or a nicer way of dealing with these things? Will someone buy them? Will someone dig them out and put them some place they are wanted?

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Giant Plants: How to make them go away? - by Kelena - 08-02-2010, 05:36 AM

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