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SCOPE - Survivalist Coalition Of Puna & Environs?
Jon; I think JW makes a valid point, The gun debate is a losing proposition. Emotions run strong on both sides, and trying to change anyone's mind on the sublect is like trying to teach a pig to sing, it wastes your time and irritates the pig. Whenever firearms come into any thread, it almost immeadiately deteriorates into 2nd ammendment versus the anti's and no further useful discourse takes place on the thread. Hence I just stick to my own convictions and avoid expressing my opinion of firearms, those who know me know my stance and those who don't are free to draw their own conclusions. I beleive it was Ben Franklin in Poor Richard Almanac who said it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open ones mouth and remove any doubt

dick wilson
dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"

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RE: SCOPE - Survivalist Coalition Of Puna & Environs? - by DickWilson - 12-29-2008, 12:57 PM

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