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Nothing but the best....Microsoft....yeah right!!
In Puna,Linux is free. a huge portion of the windows applications and OSs are stolen. In fact. I would bet that the monetary value of the hot copies of MS products being used today exceed the sum total of all the apple stuff ever sold.

On the lovely Big Island,you could always buy a Microsoft box for a fraction on a Mac and for next to nothing you can build a screaming Linux box, since Linux is FREE. and so is the open sours gnu office suite Open Office.
Not one Punani has ever had to buy a MS product but for some reason many say Bill Gates is running a monopoly..

I can't see how when he has all that competition and there are many flavors of *nix that are free in and around Pahoa.

I think the reason Microsoft has done so well, is they make great products and sell them at a fare price for Hawaiians.

Or else people would use all the many open source stuff out there. Or spring for a Mac.

Apple comes out with the Ipod and within no time they sell a better version at a lessor cost.
They lock you in to a deal with ATT and you throw it away when the battery craps out. How's that for combat marketing of environmentally unsound products. That isn't not good for the Hawaiian environment.

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RE: Nothing but the best....Microsoft....yeah right!! - by Guest - 01-03-2009, 09:50 AM

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