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Would the good people of Puna put up w/ this
Thanks for that article Paul. It begs a couple questions: is this a chronic problem or an exception? (Never heard of it happening the 10 years I lived there.) Is this incident a result of socialized medicine? Do other models exist that don't have these symptoms.

As an fyi, I'm a "free-market" guy struggling with this issue. The free-market (dogmatic) side of me says to keep the government out of it. But my conscience says we can't let innocent people go without medical coverage because of a principle. Perhaps there's a middle ground? Some angle we haven't thought of? Perhaps someone else has figured it out?

That's why I mentioned the public school system in my original post. It's nothing more than socialized education. On the one hand I see that private schools tend to maintain higher academic standards than the public school system. And yet, our society is still better off (imho) with the inferior public school system in place. Most of us were raised to accept (take for granted?) socialized education in America.

There's nothing wrong with pointing out the bad models around the world, as long as we do so to learn. I'm suggesting we keep an open mind and learn from others, whatever their political leanings.

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius

Messages In This Thread
Would the good people of Puna put up w/ this - by Guest - 02-11-2009, 06:19 AM
RE: Would the good people of Puna put up w/ this - by Guest - 02-11-2009, 06:47 AM
RE: Would the good people of Puna put up w/ this - by Guest - 02-12-2009, 06:02 AM
RE: Would the good people of Puna put up w/ this - by Guest - 02-12-2009, 10:21 PM
RE: Would the good people of Puna put up w/ this - by punafish - 02-13-2009, 09:12 AM
RE: Would the good people of Puna put up w/ this - by Guest - 02-16-2009, 12:43 AM
RE: Would the good people of Puna put up w/ this - by Guest - 02-16-2009, 11:38 AM

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