02-21-2009, 04:50 AM
when the craziness of unpacking is over, let me know when you come across some seeds. I need to do a little more research on doing cuttings I think you have to have part of a root to start the tall tree trumpet flowers. maybe someone on here will know. I must be nuts, since it doesnt seem like too many people are into datura. and No I am not planning on using them as a drug, ive read enough horror stories on what it can do to you, my days of expeirmenting is long over, I value life way to much.
I just happen to love the flowers and the fragrence of the datura.
setting my soul free....
when the craziness of unpacking is over, let me know when you come across some seeds. I need to do a little more research on doing cuttings I think you have to have part of a root to start the tall tree trumpet flowers. maybe someone on here will know. I must be nuts, since it doesnt seem like too many people are into datura. and No I am not planning on using them as a drug, ive read enough horror stories on what it can do to you, my days of expeirmenting is long over, I value life way to much.
I just happen to love the flowers and the fragrence of the datura.
setting my soul free....
setting my soul free....