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HPP General Membership Meeting Sunday
I attended the meeting, and we spent a lot of time on some by-law amendments that would restrict building new driveways entering onto the main Mauka-Makai roads as well as restrict the use of the main road rights of way for signage and vending. There was lots of discussion, some heated, about this due to the opinion of many that there was no enforcement mechanism to give it meaning. Finally, an amended version was voted to be on a general ballot of all property owners.

The road paving report was my biggest interest, and I spoke questioning the wisdom of paving 16th when the General Manager has told us it is not one of the most expensive roads to maintain. The Board members there defended it by saying that it was to help the road maintenance crew have faster access across the subdivision and to make the Activity Center more accessible. I still disagree in view of the General Manager's report.

The General Manager's report focused on the escalating road assessments, which will have to go up 10% per year until 2013 or 2014 to cover the paving bonds. This will leave less than is currently spent for maintaining the unpaved roads. The fee will go from the current $196.00 to about $316.00 by 2014 due to compounding. She went on to tell us that the unpaved roads would probably be more poorly maintained than in the recent past. A member pointed out that those who lived on unpaved roads would be paying a lot more for poorer roads. The GM agreed that this would be the case.

Faye Hanohano came to the meeting, but left after an hour. No mention was made of her proposed legislation creating a Township of HPP.

Those are what I think were the main points. If anyone else who was there has any corrections or additions, please chime in.


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RE: HPP General Membership Meeting Sunday - by JerryCarr - 02-22-2009, 02:37 PM

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