03-04-2009, 05:33 AM
Ed and I were legally married last June. We have been married in our eyes for more than 21 years. I agree the government should not be involved in determining the validity of our relationship. However, the government does determine our tax status; it means our social security benefits will not be treated equally with an opposite-sex couple. Tomorrow, the California Supreme Court will hear arguments regarding Proposition 8 which in a popular vote, rescinded same-sex marriage rights. The best guess right now is that the majority will be allowed to take away the rights of a minority on a simple 50% majority vote. The status of our marriage is less clear.
My point in this posting is that this is one more step up the staircase. Five years ago, we could not have imagined we could be legally married. It happened. It does mean more to us than just acknowledgment. After 20-plus years, we looked at each other a little differently! Nothing materially has changed to date- my employer provides full benefits under the domestic partner policy. California now requires that we file as married for state taxes. But the most important goal, changes in the federal tax and SS tax laws are a long way up the staircase. Just one or two steps up, a couple back, a few more up.... it will happen one day. Young people today will look back in a few years and wonder what were these people thinking! Think interracial marriage.... against the law once upon a time.
My point in this posting is that this is one more step up the staircase. Five years ago, we could not have imagined we could be legally married. It happened. It does mean more to us than just acknowledgment. After 20-plus years, we looked at each other a little differently! Nothing materially has changed to date- my employer provides full benefits under the domestic partner policy. California now requires that we file as married for state taxes. But the most important goal, changes in the federal tax and SS tax laws are a long way up the staircase. Just one or two steps up, a couple back, a few more up.... it will happen one day. Young people today will look back in a few years and wonder what were these people thinking! Think interracial marriage.... against the law once upon a time.