03-05-2009, 06:07 AM
Originally posted by Jon
My comment was about the current law... not how some want to change it.
The law "DOES" recognize sexual relations as a mandate in marriage... this is based in the definition of the legal term "marriage"
Buzzzz, Sorry Wrong answer.
Nowhere in Hawaii’s Constitution, or Hawaii’s Revised Statutes, or Hawaii’s Administrative Code, or Hawaii’s Department of Health Regulations does it Mandate or Require or even Mentions that a sexual relationship is REQUIRED or MUST OCCUR in marriage.
That is popular (wishful) thinking by MALES and shows the complete lack of common sense reasoning and miniscule gray matter in this issue based only on a fear of "gays" and a need to elevate ones own inadequate manhood by claiming opposite sex sexual relationship is what marriage is all about. Is all marriage means to some is getting a piece of tail? Where did love, commitment, togetherness go?