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Homeowners Insurance in Nanawale est.
Lava flow with the exception of the Hilo eruption have historically been slow allowing time to get out of the way
I don't think this is right ..
for one thing, Hilo had plenty of time. The lava has to come a long way from Mauna Loa to even get to the upper Kaumana region.

In contrast, the Kapoho eruption on the rift zone happened super fast.

Eightfingers, the line wouldn't run from Hilo to Kona. In South Kohala there are lava fields from 1959. Mauna Loa can affect Waikoloa, which is why it's Zone 3.

The most worrisome spot for Civil Defense, I have heard, is HOVE, because the rift zone there is not that far from houses and the slopes are steep. They estimate it could be as little as three hours before lava hit homes, and there's only one escape route.

I agree that Hualalai erupting would be huge in terms of damages. Some people believe that even though Hualalai is still active and due for an eruption, that the hot spot under the islands is now under Kilauea and moving southeast. Others don't. Some believe that while Kilauea erupts it takes the pressure off the other volcanoes. As they have distinct magma chambers, this may not be true either.

Re insurance, no I don't have earthquake insurance.

Re regular insurance, the thing is it doesn't cover you if the lava swirls around you and lays your neighborhood to waste but doesn't burn your home. Then you are left to deal with the consequences. It's only fire insurance, not lava insurance, and it only covers the loss of structures and contents if the house does burn, not the loss of the land if you can't rebuild. But I'm sure you know that Dick ... and the land is relatively cheap.

Thanks all for answering. I'm sorry if I hijacked Dick's topic.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Homeowners Insurance in Nanawale est. - by Guest - 03-06-2009, 12:43 PM
RE: Homeowners Insurance in Nanawale est. - by missydog1 - 03-07-2009, 06:14 AM
RE: Homeowners Insurance in Nanawale est. - by missydog1 - 03-07-2009, 07:51 AM
RE: Homeowners Insurance in Nanawale est. - by missydog1 - 03-08-2009, 12:02 PM
RE: Homeowners Insurance in Nanawale est. - by missydog1 - 03-09-2009, 05:23 AM

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