03-17-2009, 06:04 AM
A foundation member on his own boat, drifting right into a pod "on study" was tail slapped by a male whale on one side (gunnle), seriously injuring a guest in a party of 3 with apperntly one WW executive member aboard.
Most whale injuries are Propeller strikes, SF is propelled by a jet of water where all WWF boats are prop driven. Very low whale counts in the Maui/Molokai channel but choke WWF whale harassers even their execs when they want to impress guests!
Most whale injuries are Propeller strikes, SF is propelled by a jet of water where all WWF boats are prop driven. Very low whale counts in the Maui/Molokai channel but choke WWF whale harassers even their execs when they want to impress guests!
Gordon J Tilley