03-26-2009, 03:59 AM
Gtil has a good point, if you could grow your own "plants" and as long as you used it responsibly then there would be way less market for allot of that stuff from Mexico. I know one Puna property Owner who had "plants" growing on his back acres (unknown to him) and the agents arrived and seized part of his land (big brother is watching).
The obvious solution is to call a cease fire to the War on Drugs. If the profit dries up the nasty drug cartels will have nothing to operate with. The only way that our Central Government will listen is when communities ban together like Puna and try to put some sense back into drug enforement laws and say hell know we don't want your black helicopters spying on us.
The whole so called War on Drugs is bogus. This mess is just like the Mob during achohol prohibition. In the end it wasn't worth "saving" everyone from alchohol just to set up a really nasty/criminal black market. As usual our leaders never learn from history. The same thing is happening w/ cigarettes, once they become five bucs a pac then the black market and criminals arrive.
Instead of Nancy Reagan's "Just say no to drugs" how about saying a great big no the the War on Drugs. Focus on the really dangerous stuff and leave the rest of us alone and deflate the profit that drives this nasty civil unrest !!!!!
The obvious solution is to call a cease fire to the War on Drugs. If the profit dries up the nasty drug cartels will have nothing to operate with. The only way that our Central Government will listen is when communities ban together like Puna and try to put some sense back into drug enforement laws and say hell know we don't want your black helicopters spying on us.
The whole so called War on Drugs is bogus. This mess is just like the Mob during achohol prohibition. In the end it wasn't worth "saving" everyone from alchohol just to set up a really nasty/criminal black market. As usual our leaders never learn from history. The same thing is happening w/ cigarettes, once they become five bucs a pac then the black market and criminals arrive.
Instead of Nancy Reagan's "Just say no to drugs" how about saying a great big no the the War on Drugs. Focus on the really dangerous stuff and leave the rest of us alone and deflate the profit that drives this nasty civil unrest !!!!!