03-30-2009, 02:59 PM
Hi Jeff,
Your note was upsetting. Like Jerry I have attended several meetings and only felt we were getting somewhere when you were at the helm. You and your team took the time to address everyone's concerns, answer questions and explain what the board was doing. It was such a nice change from the meetings I attended before you were president, where I felt a certain degree of tension between board members who seemed to have zero interest in the opinions or ideas of non-board members.
I think what happened to force you into this position you is very serious. I am sorry to hear you had to suffer professionally and feel under the circumstances you did the right thing, but now I am worried. What is going on behind the scenes? Does this mean all the hard work you put in with regards to the paving plans will be thrown out the window and they will start the whole process again while wasting more time and money?
Every year our road fees go up by more and more - and yet all we hear is there is barely enough money to pave a few roads while time and borrowed money dribble away.
I'm sure you can't answer my questions here, but I sure don't like the sound of what levels people are stooping to with regards to the HPPOA. Something is starting to stink.
Jerry, due to work commitments, I won't be able to make the meeting on Wednesday and hope you will post a summary of what happens.
Your note was upsetting. Like Jerry I have attended several meetings and only felt we were getting somewhere when you were at the helm. You and your team took the time to address everyone's concerns, answer questions and explain what the board was doing. It was such a nice change from the meetings I attended before you were president, where I felt a certain degree of tension between board members who seemed to have zero interest in the opinions or ideas of non-board members.
I think what happened to force you into this position you is very serious. I am sorry to hear you had to suffer professionally and feel under the circumstances you did the right thing, but now I am worried. What is going on behind the scenes? Does this mean all the hard work you put in with regards to the paving plans will be thrown out the window and they will start the whole process again while wasting more time and money?
Every year our road fees go up by more and more - and yet all we hear is there is barely enough money to pave a few roads while time and borrowed money dribble away.
I'm sure you can't answer my questions here, but I sure don't like the sound of what levels people are stooping to with regards to the HPPOA. Something is starting to stink.
Jerry, due to work commitments, I won't be able to make the meeting on Wednesday and hope you will post a summary of what happens.