04-16-2009, 06:52 AM
Samdooby, you are absolutely, 100% correct in stating with blinding clarity and overkill that Hawaii is not on the same level as California in drug consumption. Yet heroin and cocaine is plentiful and to the best of my knowledge and understanding, neither plant is cultivated on any of the Hawiian islands. The chances are good that the finished products do not arrive by submarine, but since they're here, logic dictates they come by way of the same infrastructures that control the mainland, Mexico, and Colombia. Same for meth. It may be manufactured here, but the chances are good that the chemicals originate elsewhere. Once you calm down, read my posting again. I stated that drugs follow illegal immigration, and speculated that violence could follow. Nothing more. Please read the topic "Legal Pot Coming?". Wake up because you are yet another of those who is babbling.