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Mexican 'Drug Cartels' in Hilo and Kona?
skydawg, I'll be 62 next month. I was born and raised in New York, and have lived there on and off for about 50 years. Let it suffice to say I've seen my share as well, and I agree with you in the strongest possible terms that anyone who abuses any legal or illegal drug is a loser. The nurse in your posting was a good example of such a personality. She was like an irresponsible, unsupervised, diabetic kid in a candy store but rather than fitting the profile of a nurse, she was nothing more than another drug-abusing loser. You saw a friend in a downward spiral 6 months after smoking his first joint. Was he drinking before he started smoking? Are you suggesting that social drinkers who also "maintain functionality" better than others are likewise defending a lifestyle of losses and losers? If not, what are you saying???

Originally posted by skydawg

Centipede,I`ve observed a helluva lot since the 60`s,I`m 59 and was there at the start of the drugging down of this country.I saw my friend hock his mother`s tv to buy speed,6 months after smoking his first joint,another waste a full scholarship because he fell in love with dope.I spent years as a musician and saw some incredible talent go to waste.And closer to home,an RN who is currently collecting over $600/wk "DISABILITY",because she couldn`t resist keeping some of the patient`s meds for herself.Guess who`s paying the tab,taxpayers?So you don`t know what I know or don`t know or what I`ve seen or haven`t seen.Just because you might "maintain" functionally better than some others,you`re still defending a lifestyle of losses and losers,by and large.


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RE: Mexican 'Drug Cartels' in Hilo and Kona? - by centipede - 04-20-2009, 05:33 AM

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