04-21-2009, 03:24 PM
quote:So you’re saying that if a woman is incapable of bearing children, she should not be allowed to marry? My God!, what the heck has our society come to when we step back into the dark ages that a women’s right to marriage is as property or to be a walking talking baby factory? I know plenty of women who are married and are not capable of bearing children. I am horrified at just the mention of them being declared ineligible to get married because of their medical condition. What’s next, blacks can’t marry whites? Asians can’t marry Americans?
Originally posted by The Lack
My conception of a civil union is the same sex union, where do “our children and grandchildren come from?”
MARRIAGE [a union between opposite sex]
quote:And what are we doing by denying civil unions to same sex couples? Is that not cramming a style of living down everyone’s throats? You do realize your statement is exactly what same sex union advocates have been saying all along.
Originally posted by The Lack
As it goes today most people don’t care if your gay or not, they only get upset when you cram this style of living down their throats.
quote:Actually, from rereading all Jon’s post, I agree 100% with his position that government needs to get out of the business of marriage. Make it what all 50 states legally define and say it is, nothing but a legally binding contractual relationship. So civil unions would be the legal state license devoid of any political, sexual or religious baggage. The state outlines the required recognition accorded to legal civil unions.
Originally posted by The Lack
It seems like there is about a half dozen out there attempting to make a issue out word definitions and only Jon standing in defense, and I may add doing a excellent job of it
So, if two people want a civil union, they get the license and appear before the clerk of the court or county, swear or affirm to the legal contractual requirements of this union, and get it filed. They are hitched, end of story. Make it all civil unions and be done with it.