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The Secret is out about Silverpenny!
silverpenny is a self-proclaimed farmer - that might even belong to a secretive society of people who actually raise cattle for food. They call themselves ranchers to make their secretive business sound nice and pleasant to the unsuspecting public.

silverpenny is a large land-owner (several hundred acres+) who tries to hide her land holdings. She owns land stolen from Native Hawaiian people. These people may not allowed to continue with their ancient hunting rights on her property. Her giant cattle have broken free of their containment and put other people's cars and lives at stake with their roaming.

These ranchers try to raise as many cattle as they can, as cheaply as they can, in order to (gasp) make a profit at others expense. They tend to accept federal subsidies from the government including the payment of lessor property taxes on their land than others have to pay. They force their animals to eat native plants and grasses and utilize large trucks and trailers in order to secretly move their product to places where the animals are processed for consumption.
These large trucks consume lots of imported gas/diesel fuel for their operation.

silverpenny is part of a plot by these ranchers that other people should purchase their product and eat it!
They want to make their product so cheap that vegans and vegetarians will have no choice but to eat their product since the forced feeding of the cattle requires large amounts of land that could otherwise be growing food for hungry vegans and vegetarians.

These cattle pollute the land daily with large amounts of urine and feces which soaks into the ground and into the water supply. These poisonous emissions are harmful to everyone. The cattle also produce copious amounts of methane gas which they emit almost constantly, blowing downwind towards other people's homes and children. This gas is poisonous and should be regulated by the EPA.

silverpenny proclaims self-sufficiency and self-sustainability when she practices the opposite of that by producing more product than she can herself consume in her attempts at obtaining large profits.


[Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]

These are the same outrageous tactics which have been used by silverpenny on multiple issues in the past. Turnabout should be fair play, right?

Messages In This Thread
The Secret is out about Silverpenny! - by mdd7000 - 02-05-2011, 10:12 AM

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