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Mexican 'Drug Cartels' in Hilo and Kona?
Interesting discussion.

MSNBC has two 'specials' -- one on marijuana and another on the Mexican cartels.

From personal experience I would say that wherever there are Mexicans (and maybe even where there aren't, if there is such a place) the Mexican drug cartels have a presence.
They are growing huge grows in No. California and elsewhere and you can tell it's them by the tortilla wrappers and other trash littered about -- and I'm not kidding about that.

I found the MSNBC programs to be factual as far as my own knowledge & experience went, so I am guessing that they are very well-researched. Check them out if you are interested in this subject.

One thing they mentioned is that the cartels kidnap Mexicans in Mexico and send the men to the US to grow or else they will kill their families. These people are a horrible element.

I spent 3 months in a small fishing village (in transition to becoming a large tourist town) north of Puerto Vallarta. Nothing like staying in one place and getting to know the locals to give you a new perspective on a country. Everyone knew where the 'drug house' was--it was pointed out to me by all sorts of people. Mexico is one of the most corrupt places I have ever witnessed or heard about. Everyone gets paid off. I mean everyone. I hated the slimey, organized crime aspect of the place. Of course, there were 'nice' people, but even some of those nice people--well, what exactly do you know about them? That whole aspect turned my stomach. I don't much care for northern Mexico anyhow. Get me down south of Oaxaca-- mo bettah. But still not perfect--what I mean is that I'm certain that sort of thing goes on there as well.

Wake up people. It is not 'racist' to tell the truth. There are bad people and they take advantage of their own people, too.

Mexico has always had banditos and other 'wild west' qualities, drugs and corruption. It can be a dangerous place. It's horrible that they have brought that into the US. But, it's true--we are the market for drugs and if Americans didn't buy drugs, they would go away.

Know your grower and source--stick to ganja. I'm sure the Mex Cartels don't grow organically.


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RE: Mexican 'Drug Cartels' in Hilo and Kona? - by aprild - 04-30-2009, 03:53 PM

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