05-07-2009, 03:04 AM
Good point about the abuse of tax-exemptions. But to deny the history of the USA would be a tragedy. I've spent years overseas, and from my observation, I haven't seen any Muslim country, Buddhist country, or otherwise where a state would decide to honor Christianity. If anything, their attitude is somewhere between indifferent and prohibitive. Again, to make these religions equivalent in USA is ignoring our own heritage.
Here's a good example of "history denied":
I agree about the tax exemptions as well but remember corporations set the bar for abusing tax "exemptions". At least "some" of the organized religion proceeds go to charity, disaster relief etc.. Remember a great majority of the Charity and disaster relief,around the world, comes form organized religions.. Yes, I know that there are crooks and scam artist that use the pulpit for their own benefits but contrary to popular opinion not all organized religion is a scam..
To answer the question more literally Golds Gym is a "for profit" and God's Gym is suppose to be "non profit", thus hopefully the donations from Gods gym can be seen/used for charitable causes. I would love to see people that abuse the system being prosecuted, but hey.. we seem to be more about giving them bail-out monies, here in this Country.
"It doesn't mean that much to me.. to mean that much to you." Neil Young
Here's a good example of "history denied":
I agree about the tax exemptions as well but remember corporations set the bar for abusing tax "exemptions". At least "some" of the organized religion proceeds go to charity, disaster relief etc.. Remember a great majority of the Charity and disaster relief,around the world, comes form organized religions.. Yes, I know that there are crooks and scam artist that use the pulpit for their own benefits but contrary to popular opinion not all organized religion is a scam..
To answer the question more literally Golds Gym is a "for profit" and God's Gym is suppose to be "non profit", thus hopefully the donations from Gods gym can be seen/used for charitable causes. I would love to see people that abuse the system being prosecuted, but hey.. we seem to be more about giving them bail-out monies, here in this Country.
"It doesn't mean that much to me.. to mean that much to you." Neil Young
"It doesn't mean that much to me.. to mean that much to you." Neil Young
"It doesn't mean that much to me.. to mean that much to you." Neil Young