05-09-2009, 06:50 AM
The intriguing part would how existing businesses have actually planned (if they even have) for what many consider to be the cataclysmic event on the Big island...
My geologist friend tells me "Don't worry about the volcano. It isn't the blow up kind. It just oozes. Worry about when the island breaks off and slides into the ocean, but it shouldn't do that for a few thousand more years or more." He will then add that geologists make a lot of guesses as to when events will happen. He has a dry sense of humor. [:0]
I assume most businesses on the island do plan for disaster, but on a smaller scale; fire, earthquake, flood, etc. Being on an island with limits caused by shipping, etc. put a lot of stress on a recovery plan. Like I said, I am intrigued...
My geologist friend tells me "Don't worry about the volcano. It isn't the blow up kind. It just oozes. Worry about when the island breaks off and slides into the ocean, but it shouldn't do that for a few thousand more years or more." He will then add that geologists make a lot of guesses as to when events will happen. He has a dry sense of humor. [:0]
I assume most businesses on the island do plan for disaster, but on a smaller scale; fire, earthquake, flood, etc. Being on an island with limits caused by shipping, etc. put a lot of stress on a recovery plan. Like I said, I am intrigued...