05-15-2009, 03:51 AM
Can't speak to the rest of Europe, but in Great Britain there is a considerable difference in the way people drive compared to the US. Firstly, most people drive small cars, with US Mileage equivalent to 40mpg. Also, recreational driving (non work related) is much less than the US. I would expect the average annual mileage to be around 8000 miles or less for the average car owner in Britain. Some car use is caused by the fact that while commuter train prices on a season ticket basis are affordable, local bus service is quite expensive and time consuming. Many people only drive on weekends and annual holidays, and tend to keep their cars longer than we do in the US. City center parking is also expensive, and drivers make use of outlying parking lots with 'park and ride' shuttle service. Also, a lot of people ride bikes or actually WALK! The younger generation is more like us, wanting to drive even short distances, but most major Supermarket chains run a free bus service around the town for the benefit of patrons.