05-22-2009, 03:39 AM
it seems to me, after watching the video, that the whole drama was 'staged'. not to say it wasn't 'real', but we never see how the woman got on the ground in the first place, we do see that all parties go on and on.. angry man, camera guy, hurt woman on ground pleading for help.. all three over and over.. as if it was a one shot movie in which the editor would eventually edit it down to the few seconds he or she wanted. most disturbing to me was the obvious 'for the camera' 'acting'. camera's have a way of doing that to drama queens and kings. sort of like people that have seen way too much 'reality tv' and have forgotten what reality is really like. really hurt people.. the woman... wouldn't act like that. really caring husbands.. wouldn't act like that.. angry neighbor wouldn't.. well agree neighbors can only go on like that if they are being given the attention they crave. there'd be nothing to go on and on about if the camera guy were to have given help to the hurt woman, and been gone from the scene seeking the medical attention she suggested (by her actions) that she needed. that movie was staged for the benefit of the viewer.. to solicit our attention.. to insight our emotion.. and had very little to do with the situation 'on the ground'. not to say the whole scene was not grounded in reality.. could be something that boiled over from several previous encounters.. but to take it all to the end we see in the video.. had a lot to do with ratings methinks