06-15-2009, 05:07 AM
Look into Thailand or Mexico. I first got Mexican dental care while cruising. What I save in treatment costs more than pays for the transportation there. Thailand another good option some folks say – check with Pam – she is up on the board time to time
In the meantime I get my six month check up cleanings where ever I am ... be bop back to mexi town when I need work. The last crown and root canal a few years ago was $400.00
Cleanings, minor stuff costs the same and can best be done locally, but when one "needs work" Mexico wins hands down for value (including air fare & hotel costs) in my book.
10$ all you can eat lobsters – yum!
In the meantime I get my six month check up cleanings where ever I am ... be bop back to mexi town when I need work. The last crown and root canal a few years ago was $400.00
Cleanings, minor stuff costs the same and can best be done locally, but when one "needs work" Mexico wins hands down for value (including air fare & hotel costs) in my book.
10$ all you can eat lobsters – yum!