06-20-2009, 02:57 AM
PunaWeb is at it's best when people share their Hawaiian experiences with aloha, helping each other, educating each other, even just playing silly sometimes.
PunaWeb is at it's worst when egos dominate, and the sharing, helping, and educating turn to preaching and provincialism, with a smattering of intolerance thrown in.
This is your website, Rob, and I understand that it exists (or not) at your pleasure, and in the manner of your choosing. If I don't like your rules of Puna-centric civil discourse, I certainly don't have to return. Nobody is pointing a gun at my head to force me to read what's written here.
Still, I keep tuning in, because on balance, the better part of PunaWeb shines through most of the time.
Aloha! ;-)
PunaWeb is at it's worst when egos dominate, and the sharing, helping, and educating turn to preaching and provincialism, with a smattering of intolerance thrown in.
This is your website, Rob, and I understand that it exists (or not) at your pleasure, and in the manner of your choosing. If I don't like your rules of Puna-centric civil discourse, I certainly don't have to return. Nobody is pointing a gun at my head to force me to read what's written here.
Still, I keep tuning in, because on balance, the better part of PunaWeb shines through most of the time.
Aloha! ;-)
Aloha! ;-)