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Unreasonable Construction Laws in Hawaii
Originally posted by Wao nahele kane

The only thing the government should concern themselves with regarding a house is the sewage handling and IF tied into the municipal power grid… how it’s wired inside and how it is to be insulated if using heat or AC but only IF tied to the grid. They can also concern themselves with water cisterns with regard to them being sealed from mosquitoes and if a house is to use municipal water how the water supply is handled. The house should also be subject to the zoning regulations as per setbacks and other such applicable issues. Anything beyond those matters are strictly private and of no concern to other citizens or their welfare.
Why include setbacks to be enforced? Under this scenario, where on a property a person builds their home should also be of no concern to the government. Same goes for zoning restrictions that limits what a person builds and how on their land. If I buy land, and what I build and to what standard or safety level is of no concern to government, I should also be allowed to rip the land pin to pin and pave it over if I desire. I should be allowed to put a 100 feet tall chrome and glass home right on the property line. If we are looking to provide sanctuary for the builder on building codes and regulations, the justification for that sanctuary is due to their private ownership of property. Therefore it extends to all phases of the private property as an integrated part of that sanctuary and must also be of no concern to government. So setbacks and zoning codes cannot apply as well.

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RE: Unreasonable Construction Laws in Hawaii - by Bob Orts - 07-08-2009, 11:07 AM

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