07-09-2009, 11:25 AM
I am serious, KathyH, about idiot politicians wanting to free people who are "no more than suspects" and release them in Hawaii.
I went to Google, and this is what I found out about the "suspect" that FOX News reported. Punch in Mullah Abdullah Zakir, and look for the NY Daily News story, which was updated by the Associated Press on 3-11-09. Here are the basic details:
His name was Mullah Abdullah Ghulam Rasoul, which he later changed as noted above. He was Gitmo prisoner #008, and was among 13 prisoners released to the Afghan Government in December 2007 and is now the new Taliban chief in Southern Afghanistan. The following is somewhat confusing, but from what I can make of it, he was captured by the Northern Alliance and they turned him over to the Americans for a bounty. He was captured with a rifle, which he insisted he was forced to carry by the Taliban, and he was also captured with 2 Casio watches similar to those used in al-Qaida bombings. He said he was holding them for a Taliban member who lacked pockets. He ended his case by saying "I want to go back home and join my family and work in my land and help my family". "Lack of evidence". He was "no more than a suspect", Councilman Greenwell.
There were originally 800 "detainees" at Gitmo. 520 were released from custody or transferred to prisons elsewhere in the world. As many as 60 have resurfaced on foreign battlefields.
That leaves 35%, most of whom are still "no more than suspects", and are the people that Congressman Kelly Greenwell wants to bring to Hawaai.
KathyH, this is the kind of reporting that only FOX News covered, and, "flawed" as it may have been to someone in your capacity, it did bring out a bit of truth that people like Congressman Kelly Greenwell don't want people like you to know.
I went to Google, and this is what I found out about the "suspect" that FOX News reported. Punch in Mullah Abdullah Zakir, and look for the NY Daily News story, which was updated by the Associated Press on 3-11-09. Here are the basic details:
His name was Mullah Abdullah Ghulam Rasoul, which he later changed as noted above. He was Gitmo prisoner #008, and was among 13 prisoners released to the Afghan Government in December 2007 and is now the new Taliban chief in Southern Afghanistan. The following is somewhat confusing, but from what I can make of it, he was captured by the Northern Alliance and they turned him over to the Americans for a bounty. He was captured with a rifle, which he insisted he was forced to carry by the Taliban, and he was also captured with 2 Casio watches similar to those used in al-Qaida bombings. He said he was holding them for a Taliban member who lacked pockets. He ended his case by saying "I want to go back home and join my family and work in my land and help my family". "Lack of evidence". He was "no more than a suspect", Councilman Greenwell.
There were originally 800 "detainees" at Gitmo. 520 were released from custody or transferred to prisons elsewhere in the world. As many as 60 have resurfaced on foreign battlefields.
That leaves 35%, most of whom are still "no more than suspects", and are the people that Congressman Kelly Greenwell wants to bring to Hawaai.
KathyH, this is the kind of reporting that only FOX News covered, and, "flawed" as it may have been to someone in your capacity, it did bring out a bit of truth that people like Congressman Kelly Greenwell don't want people like you to know.