07-10-2009, 05:49 AM
It really doesn't matter who is governor and who is on the board, Hawaii law requires that the passenger terminal operation be self sufficient. This was established so favoritism, nepotism, political influence, lobbying and anything else that the citizens believe corrupts government decision making is removed from the mix. The rates are established based on the cost of the terminal to be paid by passenger departing load levels. At an airport with large passenger volume and small terminal expenses, the rate is low. At an airport with small passenger levels and large terminal expense, the rate is high. Unfortunately, it would be nice to blame government stupidity, but they are following the law as the people have always demanded it. If these airlines want smaller holdroom fees, increase departing flights and passengers and the cost goes down. The airlines advocated and agreed to this. If the airlines have several flights from Hilo to other islands or the mainland using full large passenger jets, the rate would fall. It does not matter how many people arrive at Hilo, only how many are departing.