07-16-2009, 04:51 AM
Wao nahele kane
There is always an exception to the rule… I know of Hawaiian shorline land that is not public. Hawaii County has issued a letter of clarification to one HPP (Hawaiian Paradise Park) oceanfront land owner which states (and I paraphrase) that because the state has not compensated the land owners in HPP for public access, the HPP sea cliffs are private property. Our survey pins go right to the sea cliff edge. It is private property and only with permission from the property owner is the public allowed.
However there are three shoreline areas of exception within HPP. HPP donated these sea cliff lands to the county for park development in the early 70’s. One is already designated a park and the other two areas are not yet parks, but county owned land. The public is encouraged to use these lands for ocean access.
There is always an exception to the rule… I know of Hawaiian shorline land that is not public. Hawaii County has issued a letter of clarification to one HPP (Hawaiian Paradise Park) oceanfront land owner which states (and I paraphrase) that because the state has not compensated the land owners in HPP for public access, the HPP sea cliffs are private property. Our survey pins go right to the sea cliff edge. It is private property and only with permission from the property owner is the public allowed.
However there are three shoreline areas of exception within HPP. HPP donated these sea cliff lands to the county for park development in the early 70’s. One is already designated a park and the other two areas are not yet parks, but county owned land. The public is encouraged to use these lands for ocean access.