07-09-2011, 11:20 AM
So I planted my garden early in the year about February and by June most of my plants had died off, just shriveled up and died, then I replanted my plants and they were doing so well until I discovered what was making my squash and melon plants die...It was the dreaded Pickle Worm!!! Oh my gosh what devastation, I go out every other day and spray the plants and meticulously look at the leaves and blooms and rid of any that look like they may be infested. But there seems to be so many, I can not keep up, I lose more squash the actual fruit than I do picking them, uugh...So does anyone have any good remedies, ideas or thoughts about what I can do to maximize my crop but not to the dreaded pickle worm! By the way I am in the Mountain View area. Mahalo