07-27-2009, 12:54 PM
devany, i have been in this home 30+ years, the jerk moved here 6 years ago. there is no way to predict the future. no one loves dogs or all animals more than me, and of course i realize "dogs bark" as beachboy says. but if the point of these "living fences" is to warn of intruders and you dont even live there then the noise is just for the benefit of the neighbors. he has alienated everyone and although in general we have a very safe neighborhood he has had several incidents. no one even looks out now when his dogs are barking because it is so non-stop. the police did say they would issue a citation wow biggy 25 bucks, but they needed "proof" who owned the dogs since no one lives there, just the dogs and the slaughter pigs. oh joy, since my first post on this thread, he just brought in a puppy. how cute, a little puppy chain all its own.[V]